Wednesday, March 24, 2010

state of emergency

have you ever tried google-ing some painless ways of committing suicide? i hope not. but if u do, you'll see some weird pages. there will be pages, where some failed suicide attempters will ask you to change your mind. there'll be people asking you to seek the "light of God", some asking you to think about the people you are leaving behind(really now! why would i die if there was something that really needed my presence) and still more people who will try to counsel you for a better state of mind. and you even Google doesn't help! this place is not worth living now.
Well i exaggerated (I am suicidal, i can rattle off whatever.). I did find some relevant pages too. But none of them were cool for me. Seriously, I don't need some random idea of a nincompoop. i don't have a gun. i don't want neither fire nor water to end me like that. Jumping off a cliff is not a 100% guaranteed killer. I don't qualify for euthanasia (though I'm personally convinced that I do), cutting the wrist,popping stupid. i wanted something different.
i am looking for ideas. this is for a project report. so please don't think otherwise.

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